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Chimney system parts
To the standard price included:
Expanded clay chimney blocks
1x Condensation Container
1x Ceramic Cleanout
1x Ceramic Tee { 45 or 90 degrees }
Ceramic Liners
Glues for ceramic elements
Mineral wool
1x Cleanout Doors
1x Vent. grills
Optional elements
Chimney ending 1 (Stainless steel)
Chimney ending 2 (Stainless steel)
Chimney ending 3 (Concrete top plate)
Ceramic cleanout cover
Connection tee mineral wool plate
Connection adapter
Documents given with chimney system:
MK KOLEKT - is the chimney that meets all the requirements of modern chimney systems:
Chimney system MK KOLEKT is used for boilers, which use different fuels (firewood, coal, gas, pellets and etc.). Suitable for boilers with closed combustion chamber and condensing boilers.
Corps: expanded clay block 1200 kg/m3 density and 3,0 MPa compressive strength. The block is light weight and has high compressive strength.
Ceramic flue liners resistant to soot ignition and meets A1N1/B4N1 class requirements.
Ceramic insert designed to work at high and at low temperatures (from 60 to 600 oC).
Ceramic flue liner has a smooth surface. It is highly resistant to condensate effect.
Ceramic flue liners are manufactured in various diameters (mm): ∅140; ∅160; ∅180; ∅200; ∅250; ∅300; ∅350; ∅400.
The gap over the entire height of the stack between the ceramic liner and expanded clay block filled with specially shaped mineral wool. Wool has a ventilation system.
Fire resistance - 90 min.
The chimney is mounted either to the exterior wall, either inside the building, it takes up very little space.
Fast and easy installation.
Product is certified EN 13063-1, EN 13063-2, EN 13063-3.