Ceramic chimneys - MK KOLEKT
Modular ceramic chimney system - multi layered chimney system. The standard elements of the system: expanded clay blocks, mineral wool and ceramic elements. We can offer two types of ceramic elements: universal ceramic element and special ceramic, which is used with heating devices, which works long time in high temperature, for example: sauna.
Modular chimney system MK KOLEKT is used not only with modern solid and liquid fuel boilers (temperature below 200oC), but also with modern heating systems. Three-layers chimney system is fully insulated with mineral wool and corresponds the highest requirements for chimney system elements. Ceramic elements produced by the German manufacturer, in Germany, corresponds A1N1/B4N1 class requerements. Ceramic chimney system parts are resistant to soot ignition also low and high temperatures (60oC - 600oC). Ceramic liner has smooth surface and is highly resistant to condensate effect (resistant to aggressive corrosive factors). In the three-layers chimney system MK KOLEKT is used special shaped insulation, which fills the air gap between the ceramic elements and chimney blocks. Installation of the chimney system MK KOLEKT is simple, easy and fast process. Quality of MK KOLEKT system is also approved by issued CE certificate of conformity.
Buy Online!Unlike MK KOLEKT with universal ceramic elements, MK KOLEKT with AT ceramic characterized by an increased resistance to temperature changes. Chimney system is used with heating devices, which uses solid fuel. German AT ceramic is made not using formation method, but using pressing method, where is used more dry material (the biggest part of material - chamotte). Beside of 18% humidity of material, humidity of AT ceramic material is only 4%. This material fills forms and then it's pressed with hydraulic press. Three-layered chimney system MK KOLEKT with AT ceramic elements consists of: chimney blocks, mineral wool, ceramic elements and other accessories. Standard chimney system complectation: chimney blocks, mineral wool, which fill air gap between ceramic elements and chimney blocks, ceramic elements (flue liners, cleanout, connection tee), glues for ceramic elements, other accessories (doors, vent. grills, chimney ending).
Characteristics of three-layered chimney system
Fast, good traction; Resistant to acids; Resistant to high temperature exposure. |
For heating devices, which uses different type of fuel (firewood, coal, gas, pellets and etc.). | For heating devices, which uses solid fuel (firewood, coal, pellets and etc.). |
Corps of the chimney system: expanded clay block 3,0 MPa compressive strength. The block is light weight and has high compressive strength. | |
Ceramic flue liners resistant to soot ignition and meets A1N1/B4N1 class requirements. | Ceramic flue liners resistant to soot ignition and meets A1N1 class requirements. |
Ceramic insert designed to work at high and at low temperatures (from 60 to 600 oC). | Ceramic insert designed to work at high temperatures (from 200 to 600 oC). |
Ceramic flue liner has a smooth surface. It is highly resistant to condensate effect. | Ceramic flue liner has a smooth surface. |
Ceramic liners are manufactured in various diameters (mm): ∅140; ∅160; ∅180; ∅200; ∅250; ∅300; ∅350; ∅400. | Ceramic liners are manufactured in various diameters (mm): ∅160; ∅180; ∅200. |
The gap over the entire height of the stack between the ceramic liner and expanded clay block filled with specially shaped mineral wool. Wool has a ventilation system. | |
Fire resistance - 90 min. | |
The chimney is mounted either to the exterior wall, either inside the building, it takes up very little space. | |
Fast and easy installation. | |
Product is certified. |